Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""An ad-hoc treatment of orca output files

This should implement a grammar, but currently consists of a number of utility
structures and functions to parse data from the orca output format

    See the tests for more

        $ poetry run

Some more details.

    * Make grammar
    * Make classes
    * Test the experiments more
    * Pass a list of experiments to ignore
    * Test the ordering of variables
    * Make classes for the order
    * Handle split jobs
    * Propagate exceptions instead of passing the buck with warnings
    * Setup proper logging
    * Scrape NIST Web book for spectra, properties
    * Document more things (e.g. SP -> Single point calculation a.k.a. energy
    * Return interesting things

.. _Google Python Style Guide:


import as waio
import wailord.utils as wau

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import itertools as itertt

import re
import os
import textwrap
import pint
import pint_pandas
import warnings
import vg

from pathlib import Path
from functools import reduce
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
from operator import itemgetter
from pandas.api.types import CategoricalDtype
from konfik import Konfik

# Pint setup
PA_ = pint_pandas.PintArray
ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
pint_pandas.PintType.ureg = ureg
Q_ = ureg.Quantity

ureg.define("kcal_mol = kcal / 6.02214076e+23 = kcm")

inpcart = namedtuple("inpcart", "atype x y z")
orcaout = namedtuple("orcaout", "final_energy fGeom basis filename system spin theory")



    "cartesian_coord": re.compile(r"CARTESIAN\s*COORDINATES\s*\(ANGSTROEM\)\s*"),
    "final_single_point_e": re.compile(r"(?<=FINAL SINGLE POINT ENERGY)\s*-\d*.?\d*"),
    "basis_set": re.compile(r"Orbital\s*basis\s*set\s*information"),
    "MDCI": re.compile(r"The\s*Calculated\s*Surface\s*using\s*the\s*MDCI\s*energy\n"),
    "MDCI w/o Triples": re.compile(
        r"The Calculated Surface using the MDCI energy minus triple correction\s*"
    "Actual Energy": re.compile(r"The Calculated Surface using the 'Actual Energy'"),
    "SCF Energy": re.compile(r"The Calculated Surface using the SCF energy"),
    "energy_evals": re.compile(r"There will be\s*\d* energy evaluations"),
    "Mulliken": re.compile(r"MULLIKEN ATOMIC CHARGES"),
    "Loewdin": re.compile(r"LOEWDIN ATOMIC CHARGES"),
    "irSpectrum": re.compile(r"IR SPECTRUM"),
    "vpt2trans": re.compile(r"Fundamental transition"),
    "Vibrational Frequency": re.compile(r"VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES"),

# ------------ Refactor

[docs]def parseOut(filename, plotter=False): """Handles orca outputs with regex for energy and coordinates""" intcreg, fsp_ereg, get_basis = itemgetter( "cartesian_coord", "final_single_point_e", "basis_set" )(OUT_REGEX) get_spec = re.compile(r"Number\s*of\s*atoms\s*.*\s*\d*") with open(filename) as f: fInp = fin_energ = float(fsp_ereg.findall(fInp)[-1].split()[-1]) * ureg.hartree if plotter == True: energ = [float(x.split()[-1]) for x in fsp_ereg.findall(fInp)] num_species = int([-1]) with open(filename) as f: flines = f.readlines() allAtoms = [] for linum, line in enumerate(flines): if basis = flines[linum + 1].split()[-1] if offset = linum + 2 for i in range(num_species): p = flines[offset + i].split() myAtom = inpcart( atype=p[0], x=float(p[1]) * ureg.angstrom, y=float(p[2]) * ureg.angstrom, z=float(p[3]) * ureg.angstrom, ) allAtoms.append(myAtom) runinfo = getRunInfo(Path(filename).parent) if runinfo["spin"] == "spin_01": spin = "singlet" elif runinfo["spin"] == "spin_03": spin = "triplet" else: raise (NotImplementedError(f"Not yet implemented {runinfo['spin']}")) finGeom = [] for i in reversed(range(1, num_species + 1)): finGeom.append(allAtoms[-i]) # Creates a dictionary of the system H num O num systr = pd.DataFrame(finGeom).atype.value_counts().to_dict() # Flattens the dictionary to a list listdict = list(itertt.chain.from_iterable(systr.items())) # Flattens the list to a single string liststr = "".join(map(str, listdict)) oout = orcaout( final_energy=fin_energ, fGeom=finGeom, basis=basis, filename=filename, system=liststr, spin=spin, theory=runinfo["theory"], ) if plotter == True: return oout, energ else: return oout
[docs]def get_e(orcaoutdat, basis, system): """ This takes in an orcaout data frame and spits out the energy """ return orcaoutdat[ (orcaoutdat.basis.isin([basis]) & (orcaoutdat.system.isin([system]))) ]["final_energy"].to_list()[0]
[docs]def getBL(dat, x, y, z, indi=[0, 1]): """Takes in a data frame of xyz coordinates and uses it to calculate the bond length""" v1 = np.array( [dat.x[indi[0]].magnitude, dat.y[indi[0]].magnitude, dat.z[indi[0]].magnitude] ) v2 = np.array( [dat.x[indi[1]].magnitude, dat.y[indi[1]].magnitude, dat.z[indi[1]].magnitude] ) return Q_(vg.euclidean_distance(v1, v2), x[indi[0]].units)
[docs]def getBA(dat, x, y, z, indi=[0, 1, 2]): """Takes in a data frame of xyz coordinates and uses it to generate the plane angle, indices are used such that the first is the relative center""" v1 = np.array( [dat.x[indi[0]].magnitude, dat.y[indi[0]].magnitude, dat.z[indi[0]].magnitude] ) v2 = np.array( [dat.x[indi[1]].magnitude, dat.y[indi[1]].magnitude, dat.z[indi[1]].magnitude] ) v3 = np.array( [dat.x[indi[2]].magnitude, dat.y[indi[2]].magnitude, dat.z[indi[2]].magnitude] ) v12 = v2 - v1 v13 = v3 - v1 return Q_(vg.angle(v12, v13, units="deg"), "degrees")
[docs]def genEBASet( rootdir, deci=3, latex=False, full=False, order_basis=ORDERED_BASIS, order_theory=ORDERED_THEORY, ): """Takes in a Path object, and typically returns bond angles and energies. Optionally returns a TeX table or a full dataset with the filenames and geometries. Depreciate this eventually.""" outs = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir.resolve()): for filename in files: if "out" in filename and "slurm" not in filename: outs.append(parseOut(f"{root}/{filename}")) outdat = pd.DataFrame(data=outs) basis_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=order_basis, ordered=True) theory_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=order_theory, ordered=True) outdat["basis"] = outdat["basis"].astype(basis_type) outdat["theory"] = outdat["theory"].astype(theory_type) # print(outdat.basis[0]) # print(pd.DataFrame(outdat.fGeom[0])) outdat["angle"] = outdat.fGeom.apply( lambda geom: getBA( pd.DataFrame(geom), pd.DataFrame(geom).x, pd.DataFrame(geom).y, pd.DataFrame(geom).z, [0, 1, 2], ) ) outdat.sort_values(by=["theory", "basis"], ignore_index=True, inplace=True) outdat.final_energy = outdat.final_energy.apply( lambda x: np.around(x, decimals=deci) ) outdat.angle = outdat.angle.apply(lambda x: np.around(x, decimals=deci)) if latex == True: return outdat.drop(["filename", "fGeom"], axis=1).to_latex( caption="Calculated systems at all basis sets", index=True ) elif full == True: return outdat else: outdat.drop(["filename", "fGeom"], axis=1, inplace=True) return outdat
# ------------- Keep ------------------
[docs]def getRunInfo(runf): """Determines the runtime parameters from the output path The implementation uses an ordered dictionary to ensure that the path fragments are matched to the correct keys. Note: This will only work with wailord experiments at the moment Args: run (:obj:`Path`): Runtime output path Returns: runinf (:obj:`dict`): A simple unordered dictionary of paramters """ runinf = OrderedDict( {"basis": None, "calc": None, "spin": None, "theory": None, "slug": None} ) rfparts = for num, od in enumerate(runinf, start=1): runinf[od] = rfparts[-num] runinf["basis"] = runinf["basis"].replace("PP", "++").replace("8", "*") runinf["theory"] = runinf["theory"].replace("_", " ") return dict(runinf)
[docs]def calc_htst(product, reactant, transition_state, temperature): """Calculates the HTST rate constant. This is calculated as: .. math:: k^{HTST} = \frac{∏_{i=1 … N}𝜈ᵢ}{∏_{j=1 … N-1}𝜈ⱼ^‡}e^{\frac{-𝛥E}{k_BT}} Where * :math:`𝜈ᵢ` are the final/initial state vibrational frequencies and :math:`𝜈ⱼ^‡` are the vibrational frequencies at the saddle point * :math:`𝛥E` is the difference between the energy of the state and the saddle point :math:`𝛥E=V_{saddle}-V_{other}` It is important to note that the :math:`k_f` and :math:`k_b` are relative measures and the rate constant is the ratio of the two. In some cases it might be necessary to weigh the results by the magnitude of 'c' Args: product(:obj:`orcaVis`): The product visitor class reactant(:obj:`orcaVis`): The reactant visitor class transition_state(:obj:`orcaVis`): The transition state visitor class temperature(`float`): The temperature Returns: kout(:obj:`rateconst`) : Returns a named tuple of forward and backward rates """ prod = product.vib_freq() react = reactant.vib_freq() ts = transition_state.vib_freq() ppnum = prod.freq.loc[~(prod.freq <= 0)].to_numpy() reactnum = react.freq.loc[~(react.freq <= 0)].to_numpy() tsdenom = ts.freq.loc[~(ts.freq <= 0)].to_numpy() temp = Q_(temperature, "K") # FIXME: Should this be the ureg.speed_of_light instead? conv = Q_(1, "m/s") preProd = / preReact = / delProd = transition_state.fin_sp_e - product.fin_sp_e delReact = transition_state.fin_sp_e - reactant.fin_sp_e prodExp = -1 * (delProd / (ureg.boltzmann_constant * temp)) reactExp = -1 * (delReact / (ureg.boltzmann_constant * temp)) kf = (preProd * conv).to_base_units() * np.exp(prodExp.to_base_units()) kb = (preReact * conv).to_base_units() * np.exp(reactExp.to_base_units()) return (kf, kb)
[docs]class orcaExp: """The class meant to handle experiments generated with wailord. The general concept is that this is meant to work with the setup wailord generates. Remember to use `df.round()` for pretty printing! """ def __init__( self, expfolder, deci=3, order_basis=ORDERED_BASIS, order_theory=ORDERED_THEORY ): """Initializes base parameters Args: expfolder (:obj:`Path`): Output path to the generated wailord experiment order_basis (:obj:`list`, optional): An ordered list for the basis sets. Defaults to `ORDERED_BASIS` order_theory (:obj:`list`, optional): An ordered list for the basis sets. Defaults to `ORDERED_THEORY`. Unlike `order_basis` is can vary significantly across experiments. """ self.inpconf = None #: Populated by `handle_exp` self.orclist = None #: Populated by `handle_exp` self.order_basis = order_basis self.order_theory = order_theory self.handle_exp(expfolder) def __repr__(self): string = f""" Experiment: {self.inpconf} Outputs: {self.orclist} Ordered Theory: {self.order_theory} Ordered Basis: {self.order_basis} """ return textwrap.dedent(string)
[docs] def handle_exp(self, efol): """Populates the internal file variables from the path Alert: This is *not* meant to be called by the user!!!! Args: efol (:obj:`Path`): Output path """ fnames = [] self.inpconf = Konfik(config_path=efol / "orca.yml").config for root, dirs, files in os.walk(efol.resolve()): for filename in files: if "out" in filename and "slurm" not in filename: fnames.append(Path(f"{root}/{filename}")) self.orclist = fnames return
[docs] def get_final_sp_energy(self): """Returns a datframe of only the final single point energies Proxies calls to the base orcaVis class over a series of generated files Args: None Returns: pd.DataFrame: Returns a data frame of final energies """ edatl = [] for runf in self.orclist: runorc = orcaVis(runf).final_sp_e() edatl.append(runorc) fe = pd.DataFrame(edatl) basis_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=self.order_basis, ordered=True) theory_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=self.order_theory, ordered=True) fe["basis"] = fe["basis"].astype(basis_type) fe["theory"] = fe["theory"].astype(theory_type) fe.sort_values( by=["theory", "basis", "final_sp_energy"], ignore_index=True, inplace=True ) return fe
[docs] def get_ir_spec(self): """Returns a datframe of the "ir spectrum" Proxies calls to the base orcaVis class over a series of generated files Args: None Returns: pd.DataFrame: Returns a data frame of frequencies """ vdatl = [] for runf in self.orclist: runorc = orcaVis(runf).ir_spec() vdatl.append(runorc) ve = pd.concat(vdatl, axis=0) ve = ve.drop_duplicates() basis_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=self.order_basis, ordered=True) theory_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=self.order_theory, ordered=True) ve["basis"] = ve["basis"].astype(basis_type) ve["theory"] = ve["theory"].astype(theory_type) ve.sort_values(by=["theory", "basis"], ignore_index=True, inplace=True) return ve
[docs] def get_vib_freq(self): """Returns a datframe of the vibrational modes Proxies calls to the base orcaVis class over a series of generated files Args: None Returns: pd.DataFrame: Returns a data frame of frequencies """ vdatl = [] for runf in self.orclist: runorc = orcaVis(runf).vib_freq() vdatl.append(runorc) ve = pd.concat(vdatl, axis=0) ve = ve.drop_duplicates() basis_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=self.order_basis, ordered=True) theory_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=self.order_theory, ordered=True) ve["basis"] = ve["basis"].astype(basis_type) ve["theory"] = ve["theory"].astype(theory_type) ve.sort_values(by=["theory", "basis"], ignore_index=True, inplace=True) return ve
[docs] def get_vpt2_transitions(self): """Returns a datframe of the fundamental transitions table Proxies calls to the base orcaVis class over a series of generated files Args: None Returns: pd.DataFrame: Returns a data frame of frequencies """ vdatl = [] for runf in self.orclist: runorc = orcaVis(runf).vpt2_transitions() vdatl.append(runorc) ve = pd.concat(vdatl, axis=0) ve = ve.drop_duplicates() basis_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=self.order_basis, ordered=True) theory_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=self.order_theory, ordered=True) ve["basis"] = ve["basis"].astype(basis_type) ve["theory"] = ve["theory"].astype(theory_type) ve.sort_values(by=["theory", "basis"], ignore_index=True, inplace=True) return ve
[docs] def get_energy_surface(self, etype=["Actual Energy", "SCF Energy"]): """Populates an energy surface dataframe This essentially walks over the generated set of files, and fills out calls to the base orcaVis class. Args: etype (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional): This is passed to the base `OrcaVis` class call Returns: pd.DataFrame: Returns a data frame of etype energies """ if type(etype) == str: etype = [etype] edatl = [] for runf in self.orclist: runsurf = orcaVis(runf).mult_energy_surface(etype=etype) edatl.append(runsurf) edat = pd.concat(edatl, axis=0) edat = edat.drop_duplicates() basis_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=self.order_basis, ordered=True) theory_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=self.order_theory, ordered=True) edat["basis"] = edat["basis"].astype(basis_type) edat["theory"] = edat["theory"].astype(theory_type) edat.sort_values( by=["theory", "basis", "bond_length"], ignore_index=True, inplace=True ) return edat
[docs] def get_population(self, poptype=["Mulliken", "Loewdin"], /): """Populates a population dataframe This essentially walks over the generated set of files, and fills out calls to the base orcaVis class. Args: poptype (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional): This is passed to the base `OrcaVis` class call Returns: pd.DataFrame: Returns a data frame of etype energies """ if type(poptype) == str: poptype = [poptype] popdatl = [] for runf in self.orclist: runsurf = orcaVis(runf).mult_population_analysis(poptype) popdatl.append(runsurf) popdat = pd.concat(popdatl, axis=0) popdat = popdat.drop_duplicates() basis_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=self.order_basis, ordered=True) theory_type = CategoricalDtype(categories=self.order_theory, ordered=True) popdat["basis"] = popdat["basis"].astype(basis_type) popdat["theory"] = popdat["theory"].astype(theory_type) popdat.sort_values(by=["theory", "basis"], ignore_index=True, inplace=True) return popdat
[docs] def visit_meta(self, node, visited_children): """ Returns the overall output. """ self.meta = node.text return node.text
[docs] def visit_coord_block(self, node, visited_children): """ Makes a dict of the section (as key) and the key/value pairs. """ cb = node.text.split("\n") for i, aline in enumerate(cb): each = aline.split() cb[i] = " ".join(each) self.coord_block = "\n".join(cb) # Could have also just returned and assigned node.text return node.text
[docs]class orcaVis: """The class meant to handle ORCA output files. Todo: * Add a grammar and recursive descent later """ def __init__(self, ofile): """Output file initialization. This is meant to return base objects to the experiment level class. Note: Do not include the `self` parameter in the ``Args`` section. Args: ofile (str): The output file generated by ORCA. eeval (int): The number of energy evaluations """ self.eeval = None self.ofile = ofile self.runinfo = getRunInfo(self.ofile.parent) self.fin_sp_e = None self.get_evals(self.ofile) self.get_final_e() def __repr__(self): return f"{self.ofile}"
[docs] def get_evals(self, ofile): with open(self.ofile) as of: flines = of.readlines() for line in flines: if OUT_REGEX["energy_evals"].search(line): self.eeval = int(line.split()[3]) return
[docs] def get_final_e(self, dat=False): with open(self.ofile) as of: fInp = try: self.fin_sp_e = ( float( OUT_REGEX["final_single_point_e"].findall(fInp)[-1].split()[-1] ) * ureg.hartree ) except: raise ( ValueError(f"Final single point energy not found for {self.ofile}") ) pass
[docs] def final_sp_e(self): erow = self.runinfo erow["final_sp_energy"] = self.fin_sp_e.m erow["unit"] = self.fin_sp_e.u return erow
[docs] def mult_energy_surface( self, etype=["Actual Energy", "MDCI", "MDCI w/o Triples", "SCF Energy"], npoints=None, ): """Multiple Energy surface dataframe generator This is a helper function to obtain a dataframe which contains multiple energy surfaces. The implementation leverages the `reduce` function from `functools` to merge a list of dataframes generated from the `single_energy_surface` calls. Args: etype (str,optional): The type of calculated energy surface to return. Defaults to `["Actual Energy", "MDCI", "MDCI w/o Triples", "SCF Energy"]` but can be any valid subset of the same. npoints (int,optional): The number of points over which a scan has taken place. Defaults to the number of evaluations calculated in the output file. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Returns a data frame of bond_length and energies .. _MDCI: """ if isinstance(etype, str) or len(etype) == 1: if isinstance(etype, list): etype = etype[0] single = self.single_energy_surface( etype=etype ) #: Short circuit if single type is requested for key in self.runinfo.keys(): single[key] = self.runinfo[key] return single elist = [] for et in etype: runsurf = self.single_energy_surface(etype=et) elist.append(runsurf) eDat_all = reduce(lambda df1, df2: pd.merge(df1, df2, on="bond_length"), elist) for key in self.runinfo.keys(): eDat_all[key] = self.runinfo[key] return eDat_all
[docs] def single_energy_surface(self, etype="Actual Energy", npoints=None): """Single energy surface dataframe generator For say, QCISD(T), this is essentially the same as a QCISD calculation. Note: `MDCI`_ types are meant to work with single reference correlation methods Args: etype (str,optional): The type of calculated energy surface to return. Defaults to 'Actual Energy' and can be any of `["Actual Energy", "MDCI", "MDCI w/o Triples", "SCF Energy"]` npoints (int,optional): The number of points over which a scan has taken place. Defaults to the number of evaluations calculated in the output file. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Returns a data frame of energy surfaces .. _MDCI: """ if etype not in OUT_REGEX: raise (NotImplementedError(f"{etype} has not been implemented yet")) if npoints == None: npoints = self.eeval xaxis = [] yaxis = [] sregexp = OUT_REGEX[etype] with open(self.ofile) as of: flines = of.readlines() for lnum, line in enumerate(flines): if offset = lnum + 1 for i in range(npoints): x, y = flines[offset + i].split() xaxis.append(x) yaxis.append(y) edat = pd.DataFrame( data=zip(xaxis, yaxis), columns=["bond_length", etype], dtype="float64" ) if edat.empty: raise ( ValueError(f"{etype} surface not found for {self.runinfo['theory']}") ) return edat
[docs] def vib_freq(self): """Get the vibrational frequencies, and fails if there are more than one imaginary frequency""" sregexp = OUT_REGEX["Vibrational Frequency"] vline = namedtuple("vline", "Mode freq imaginary") accumulate = [] with open(self.ofile) as of: flines = of.readlines() for lnum, line in enumerate(flines): if offset = lnum + 5 i = 0 while flines[offset + i] != "\n": raw = flines[offset + i].split() if len(raw) == 3: v = vline( Mode=int(raw[0].replace(":", "")), freq=float(raw[1]), imaginary=False, ) elif len(raw) == 5: v = vline( Mode=int(raw[0].replace(":", "")), freq=float(raw[1]), imaginary=True, ) accumulate.append(v) i = i + 1 vdat = pd.DataFrame(accumulate) vdat["freq"] = vdat["freq"].astype("pint[cm_1]") # TODO: Add experiment layer # TODO: Error if more than one imaginary # Check if greater 100 then it is not numerical # if vdat.empty: # raise ( # ValueError( # f"Spectra not found for {self.runinfo['theory']}, did you run FREQ?" # ) # ) # elif vdat.imaginary.value_counts()[1] > 1: # warnings.warn( # f"More than one imaginary mode, you did not find a saddle point", # UserWarning, # ) # elif vdat.imaginary.value_counts()[1] == 0: # raise ( # ValueError( # "No imaginary frequencies found, check the geometry of reactant and product configurations" # ) # ) return vdat
[docs] def vpt2_transitions(self): """Grabs the fundamental transition analysis from a VPT2 calculation""" sregexp = OUT_REGEX["vpt2trans"] vline = namedtuple("vline", "Mode harmonic_freq vpt2_freq freq_diff") accumulate = [] with open(self.ofile) as of: flines = of.readlines() for lnum, line in enumerate(flines): if offset = lnum + 4 i = 0 while "---" not in flines[offset + i]: raw = flines[offset + i].split() v = vline( Mode=int(raw[0]), harmonic_freq=float(raw[1]), vpt2_freq=float(raw[2]), freq_diff=float(raw[3]), ) accumulate.append(v) i = i + 1 vdat = pd.DataFrame(accumulate) vdat["harmonic_freq"] = vdat["harmonic_freq"].astype("pint[cm_1]") vdat["vpt2_freq"] = vdat["vpt2_freq"].astype("pint[cm_1]") vdat["freq_diff"] = vdat["freq_diff"].astype("pint[cm_1]") if vdat.empty: raise ( ValueError( f"Data not found for {self.runinfo['theory']}, did you run VPT2?" ) ) else: for key in self.runinfo.keys(): vdat[key] = self.runinfo[key] return vdat
[docs] def ir_spec(self): """Grabs the non-ZPE corrected IR Spectra and the dipole derivatives for intensities""" sregexp = OUT_REGEX["irSpectrum"] vline = namedtuple("vline", "Mode freq T2 TX TY TZ") accumulate = [] with open(self.ofile) as of: flines = of.readlines() for lnum, line in enumerate(flines): if offset = lnum + 5 i = 0 while flines[offset + i] != "\n": raw = flines[offset + i].split() raw = [i for i in raw if i != ":" if i != "(" if i != ")"] v = vline( Mode=int(raw[0].replace(":", "")), freq=float(raw[1]), T2=float(raw[2]), TX=float(raw[3].replace("(", "")), TY=float(raw[4]), TZ=float(raw[5].replace(")", "")), ) accumulate.append(v) i = i + 1 vdat = pd.DataFrame(accumulate) vdat["T2"] = vdat["T2"].astype("pint[km/mol]") vdat["freq"] = vdat["freq"].astype("pint[cm_1]") if vdat.empty: raise ( ValueError( f"Spectra not found for {self.runinfo['theory']}, did you run FREQ?" ) ) else: for key in self.runinfo.keys(): vdat[key] = self.runinfo[key] return vdat
[docs] def single_population_analysis(self, poptype="Mulliken", /): """Single population analysis dataframe generator Args: poptype (str,optional): The type of population analysis to return. Defaults to 'Mulliken'. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Returns a data frame of the population analysis """ if poptype not in OUT_REGEX: raise (NotImplementedError(f"{poptype} has not been implemented yet")) sregexp = OUT_REGEX[poptype] chargeline = namedtuple("chargeline", "anum atype pcharge") fulline = namedtuple("fulline", "anum atype pcharge pspin") accumulate = [] with open(self.ofile) as of: flines = of.readlines() for lnum, line in enumerate(flines): if offset = lnum + 2 i = 0 while ( "Sum" not in flines[offset + i] and "--" not in flines[offset + i + 1] ): raw = flines[offset + i].split() if "SPIN" in line: c = fulline( anum=raw[0], atype=raw[1], pcharge=float(raw[-2]), pspin=float(raw[-1]), ) else: c = chargeline( anum=raw[0], atype=raw[1], pcharge=float(raw[-1]), ) accumulate.append(c) i = i + 1 popdat = pd.DataFrame(accumulate) step = popdat.anum.count() / popdat.anum.nunique() popdat["step"] = np.asarray( np.repeat(np.arange(1, step + 1), popdat.anum.nunique()), dtype=int ) popdat["population"] = poptype if popdat.empty: raise (ValueError(f"{poptype} not found for {self.runinfo['theory']}")) return popdat
[docs] def mult_population_analysis(self, poptype=["Mulliken", "Loewdin"], /): """Multiple population analysis dataframe generator This is a helper function to obtain a dataframe which contains multiple population analysis outputs. The implementation is similar to the energy surface helper. Args: poptype (str,optional): The type of calculated energy surface to return. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Returns a data frame of population analysis types """ if isinstance(poptype, str) or len(poptype) == 1: if isinstance(poptype, list): poptype = poptype[0] single = self.single_population_surface(poptype) for key in self.runinfo.keys(): single[key] = self.runinfo[key] return single poplist = [] for pt in poptype: runsurf = self.single_population_analysis(pt) poplist.append(runsurf) popdat = reduce(lambda df1, df2: pd.concat([df1, df2]), poplist) for key in self.runinfo.keys(): popdat[key] = self.runinfo[key] return popdat