Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""An orca input generator and reader

This module reads in a configuration file and generates the requisite input
files. It also reads existing configuration files and returns interesting
things. A short description of the input types is at the `ORCA input
description`_ page.

    See the tests for more

        $ pytest

Some more details.

    * Make tests
    * Return interesting things
    * Add MNDO and other semi-empirical methods, which employ a minimal basis by
      default and do not need a basis set in the input
    * Add more explicit support for "simple input lines"
    * Add more explicit support for the "block input structure"
    * Add support for "sequential" jobs
    * Support multiple xyz files [DONE]
    * Clean up geometry, add gen_dirs back
    * Test and expand brokensym
    * Test number in harness
    * Test Visualizer modifications
    * Validate scans and constraints
    * Parse wailord generated input files

.. _Google Python Style Guide:
.. _ORCA input description:

import as waio
import wailord.utils as wau

import os
import shutil
import textwrap
import warnings
import itertools as itertt
from pathlib import Path
from operator import itemgetter

from konfik import Konfik

SCAN_TYPES = {"D": "Dihedral", "B": "Bond", "A": "Angle"}
CONSTRAINT_TYPES = {"D": "Dihedral", "B": "Bond", "A": "Angle", "C": "Cartesian"}
AXIS_PROXY = {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}  # 0 is the atom type

[docs]class inpGenerator: def __init__(self, filename): self.qc = None = [] self.xyzpath = None self.spin = None self.extra = None self.conf_path = Path(filename) self.geomlines = None self.xyzlines = [] self.prjname = "wailordFold" self.scf = None self.viz = None self.paramlines = None self.keylines = None self.blocks = None self.konfik = Konfik(config_path=filename) self.scripts = [] def __repr__(self): return f"{self.konfik.show_config()}"
[docs] def read_yml(self): """ Returns the overall output. """ self.qc, self.xyzpath, self.spin = itemgetter("qc", "xyz", "spin")( self.konfik.config ) # Test later if "basis_sets" not in self.qc: self.qc["basis_sets"] = ["semi_emp"] # Test this later, with and without, also try overrides if "extra" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.extra = self.konfik.config.extra else: print("Consider using None in the yml file for extra")
[docs] def parse_geom(self, geom): """Rework the geometry into output""" textlines = [] textlines.append("\n%geom") if "scan" in geom: textlines.append(f"\n Scan\n") for scanthing in geom.scan.keys(): if scanthing.capitalize() in SCAN_TYPES.values(): textlines.append( self.geom_scan(geom.scan[f"{scanthing}"], scantype=scanthing) ) else: raise TypeError( f"Only dihedral, bond and angle scan types are supported, got {scanthing} instead" ) textlines.append(f" end") if "constrain" in geom: textlines.append(f"\n Constraints\n") for consthing in geom.constrain.keys(): if consthing.capitalize() in CONSTRAINT_TYPES.values(): textlines.append( self.geom_constrain( geom.constrain[f"{consthing}"], constype=consthing ) ) else: raise TypeError( f"Only dihedral, bond, angle, and cartesian constraints are supported, got {consthing} instead" ) textlines.append(f" end") if "maxiter" in geom: string = f""" maxiter {geom.maxiter} """ textlines.append(textwrap.dedent(string)) textlines.append("\nend\n") return "".join(textlines)
[docs] def geom_constrain(self, cons, constype): """Handles constraints""" linesthing = [] constype = constype[0][0].upper() for constraint in cons: btwn = constraint["between"] if "value" in constraint.keys(): value = float(constraint["value"]) else: value = "" if constype != "C": btwn_num = btwn.split(" ") # TODO Handle the other types as tuples (B,2) comment = self.scan_comment( btwn, thistype=constype, use_types=CONSTRAINT_TYPES, usage="constraint on", ) # if constype == 'B' and len(btwn_num) == 2: else: warnings.warn( f"Cartesian comments have not been implemented", UserWarning ) comment = "" linesthing.append(f" {{ {constype} {btwn} {value} C }} # {comment}\n") return "".join(linesthing)
[docs] def geom_scan(self, thing, scantype): """Handles scans""" linesthing = [] scantype = scantype[0][0].upper() for thingline in thing: btwn, fromto, points = itemgetter( "between", "range", "points", )(thingline) comment = self.scan_comment(btwn, scantype) linesthing.append( f" {scantype} {btwn} = {fromto[0]}, {fromto[1]}, {points} # {comment}\n" ) return "".join(linesthing)
[docs] def scan_comment(self, between, thistype, use_types=SCAN_TYPES, usage="scan for"): """Generate a comment line, or raise an error""" outtmp = [] tmp = list(map(int, between.split())) thiskey = use_types[f"{thistype}"] for i in tmp: try: outtmp.append(f"{[-1].xyzdat.atom_types[i]}{i}") except: raise SyntaxError( "Trying to use an atom which does not exist, check indices" ) gencom = "--".join(outtmp) return f"{thiskey} {usage} {gencom}"
[docs] def parse_xyz(self): """Generate folder structure for each system""" self.xyzpath = Path(self.xyzpath) if not self.xyzpath.is_dir(): / ) self.xyzlines.append([-1].xyzdat.coord_block) # Geometry if "geom" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.geomlines = self.parse_geom(self.konfik.config.geom) # Paramter Blocks if "params" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.paramlines = self.parse_params(self.konfik.config.params) if "scf" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.scf = self.parse_scf(self.konfik.config.scf) if "viz" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.viz = self.parse_viz(self.konfik.config.viz) if "keywords" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.keylines = self.parse_keywords(self.konfik.config.keywords) if "blocks" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.blocks = self.parse_blocks(self.konfik.config.blocks) self.gendir_qc(extra=None) else: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.xyzpath.resolve()): for filename in files: if Path(filename).suffix == ".xyz": / f"{root}/{filename}") ) self.xyzlines.append([-1].xyzdat.coord_block) # Geometry if "geom" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.geomlines = self.parse_geom(self.konfik.config.geom) # Paramter Blocks if "params" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.paramlines = self.parse_params( self.konfik.config.params ) if "scf" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.scf = self.parse_scf(self.konfik.config.scf) if "viz" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.viz = self.parse_viz(self.konfik.config.viz) if "keywords" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.keylines = self.parse_keywords( self.konfik.config.keywords ) if "blocks" in self.konfik.config.keys(): self.blocks = self.parse_blocks(self.konfik.config.blocks) self.gendir_qc(extra=None) pass
[docs] def parse_blocks(self, blocks): """Generic Block Handler Consider the following: blocks: - method: - Z_Tol: "1e-14" - SpecialGridAtoms: "28, 29, 27" - SpecialGridIntacc: "8, 8, 8" Which is to be mapped to: %method Z_Tol 1e-14 SpecialGridAtoms 28, 29, 27 SpecialGridIntacc 8, 8, 8 end Args: None Returns: blocks (`list` of `str`): The blocks to be rendered """ blines = [] for bname in blocks: for bid, bdat in bname.items(): blines.append(f"\n%{bid}\n") for line in bdat: for key, value in line.items(): string = f" {key} {value}\n" blines.append(string) blines.append("end\n") return "".join(blines)
[docs] def parse_keywords(self, keywords): keylines = [] for kl in keywords: keylines.append(f"\n! {kl}") return "".join(keylines)
[docs] def parse_yml(self): """Handle the various options""" if self.spin is None: # Deal with parsing the basic structure self.read_yml() self.parse_xyz() if is True: self.parse_qc() pass
[docs] def parse_viz(self, viz): if viz.chemcraft is True: string = """ %output Print[ P_Basis ] 2 Print[ P_MOs ] 1 end """ return textwrap.dedent(string)
[docs] def parse_scf(self, scf): textlines = [] textlines.append("\n%scf\n") if "brokensym" in scf: textlines.append( f" BrokenSym {scf.brokensym.more_unpaired}, {scf.brokensym.less_unpaired}" ) if "maxiter" in scf: string = f""" maxiter {scf.maxiter} """ textlines.append(textwrap.dedent(string)) textlines.append("\nend\n") return "".join(textlines)
[docs] def parse_params(self, params): """Rework the parameters into output. Recall that these do not require relaxation, and can also take fixed variables. On the other hand, these need more information to set up.""" textlines = [] textlines.append("%paras\n") for param in params: if param.get("value"): param["slot"]["name"] = param["name"] self.xyzlines[-1], comment = self.params_slot(param["slot"]) textlines.append(self.params_value(param, comment)) elif param.get("range"): param["slot"]["name"] = param["name"] self.xyzlines[-1], comment = self.params_slot(param["slot"]) textlines.append(self.params_range(param, comment)) else: raise TypeError( f"Currently only value and range variables are supported" ) textlines.append("end\n") return "".join(textlines)
[docs] def params_slot(self, thing): if not "xyz" in thing or thing["xyz"] is not True: raise TypeError("Currently only supports xyz") atype, anum, axis, name = itemgetter("atype", "anum", "axis", "name")(thing) xyztmp = self.xyzlines[-1].split("\n") aline = xyztmp[anum].split() if aline[0] == atype: aline[AXIS_PROXY[axis]] = f"{{{name}}}".ljust(15, " ") xyztmp[anum] = " ".join(aline) # print("\n".join(xyztmp)) xyzblock = "\n".join(xyztmp) comment = f"# {axis}-axis of {atype}{anum}" return xyzblock, comment
[docs] def params_value(self, thing, comment): name, val = itemgetter("name", "value")(thing) return f"\t{name} = {val} {comment}\n"
[docs] def params_range(self, thing, comment): """Handles variables with range""" name, lrange, points = itemgetter("name", "range", "points")(thing) return f"\t{name} = {lrange[0]}, {lrange[1]}, {points} {comment}\n"
[docs] def genharness(self, basename, slow=False): """ Generate a harness file. Args: basename (str): The folder into which the harness should be put. slow (bool): A parameter used to ensure better practices, rate limits to submitting 10 files every 30 seconds Returns: Nothing: This generates a file, and nothing else """ with open(f"{basename.parent.parent}/", "w") as op: op.write("#!/usr/bin/env bash\n") op.write("export cur_file=$(realpath $0) \n") op.write('export cur_dir=$(dirname "${cur_file}")\n') for num, script in enumerate(self.scripts, start=1): op.write(f'cd "./{script.parents[0]}"') op.write("\n") op.write(f"qsub './{}'") op.write("\n") op.write("cd $cur_dir\n") op.write("\n") if slow is True: if num % 10 == 0: op.write('echo("Slowing down!")\n') op.write("sleep 30s\n") pass
[docs] def parse_qc(self): qcList = list( itertt.chain(, self.qc.calculations, self.qc.basis_sets) ) self.qcopts = qcList pass
[docs] def gendir_qc(self, basename=None, extra=None): """Function to generate QC folder structure recursively""" if basename is None: basename = Path(f"{self.prjname}/{[-1].slug}") if extra is not None: print("Overwriting extra from yml file") self.extra = extra for styl in styl = styl.replace(" ", "_") self.gendir_qcspin(basename / styl) self.genharness(basename) pass
[docs] def gendir_qcspin(self, path): """Generates the style folders""" for sp in self.spin: sp = sp.replace(" ", "") self.gendir_qccalc(path / Path(f"spin_{sp}")) pass
[docs] def gendir_qccalc(self, path): """Generates set of calculation folders""" for cal in self.konfik.config.qc.calculations: self.gendir_qcbasis(path / cal) pass
[docs] def gendir_qcbasis(self, path): """Generates the directory of input files. Note that the folders will have + replaced by P and * by 8""" for base in self.konfik.config.qc.basis_sets: bas = base.replace("+", "P").replace("*", "8") Path.mkdir(path / bas, parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.geninp(path / bas) pass
[docs] def geninp(self, path): """Uses the path to generate details for an input file""" tmpstr = str(path).split("/") tmpconf = { # Reverse the function call order "basis": tmpstr[-1].replace("P", "+").replace("8", "*"), "calc": tmpstr[-2], "spin": " ".join( list(itertt.chain.from_iterable(tmpstr[-3].replace("spin_", ""))) ), "style": tmpstr[-4].replace("_", " "), "name": path / "orca.inp", "unrestricted": False, } if self.scf is not None: if tmpconf["style"].find("UKS") != -1 or tmpconf["style"].find("UHF") != -1: tmpconf["unrestricted"] = True self.writeinp(tmpconf) self.putscript( to_loc=path, from_loc=self.conf_path.parent / self.konfik.config.jobscript, slug=f"{tmpconf['basis']}_{tmpconf['style']}", ) pass
[docs] def putscript(self, from_loc, to_loc, slug): """Copies the jobscript""" shutil.copy(from_loc, to_loc) scriptname = to_loc / self.konfik.config.jobscript slug = slug.replace(" ", "_") rep_obj = { "prev": ["ORCA_CALCULATION"], "to": [slug], } wau.repkey(scriptname, rep_obj) if self.viz is not None: if self.konfik.config.viz.chemcraft is True: with open(scriptname, "a") as script: string = """ cd $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR $orcadir/orca_2mkl orca -molden""" script.writelines(textwrap.dedent(string)) self.scripts.append(scriptname) pass
[docs] def writeinp(self, confobj, extralines=None): """Writes an input file. Minimally should have: basis, calc, spin, style, name extralines: Optional set of lines to write out before the coordinate block """ if extralines is None: extralines = self.extra basis, calc, spin, style, name, unrestricted = itemgetter( "basis", "calc", "spin", "style", "name", "unrestricted" )(confobj) if basis == "semi_emp": basis = "" with open(name, "w") as op: op.write(f"!{style} {basis} {calc}\n") if self.keylines is not None: op.writelines(self.keylines) op.write("\n") if extralines is not None: op.writelines(extralines) op.write("\n") if unrestricted is True: op.writelines(self.scf) op.write("\n") if self.viz is not None: op.writelines(self.viz) if self.paramlines is not None: op.writelines(self.paramlines) if self.blocks is not None: op.writelines(self.blocks) if self.geomlines is not None: op.writelines(self.geomlines) op.write("\n") op.write(f"\n*xyz {spin}") op.write("\n") op.write(self.xyzlines[-1]) op.write("*") pass
[docs]class simpleInput: """ Base class for representing the simple input line""" def __init__(self, data): self.contents = None return def __repr__(self): return f"!{contents}"
[docs]class blockInput: """Base class representing block inputs""" def __init__(self, data): self.keyword = None self.lines = None return def __repr__(self): string = f""" %block {keyword} {lines} end """ return textwrap.dedent(string)
[docs]class coordBlock: """Base class for the coordinate block""" def __init__(self, data): self.keyword = None self.lines = None return def __repr__(self): string = f""" *block {keyword} {lines} * """ return textwrap.dedent(string)